Pithecellobium dulce


Pithecellobium dulce


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Pithecellobium dulce


Pithecellobium dulce is a species of flowering plant native to the Pacific coast and adjacent highlands of Mexico.
It grows to a height of 15 m.
The leaves are bipinnate, consisting of 2 pinnae, each with 2 leaflets. The leaflet is elliptical with a rounded tip and an uneven base.
The flower is small, creamy white, occurs in groups of 8-20 pieces, resembling a round head.
The fruits are spirally, rolled into a circle about 5-7 cm in diameter, ripen from green to red or brown and crack along both edges, revealing 5-9 seeds.
The seeds are shiny, black, oval and elliptical, with a fleshy white or pink edible aril covering the lower half of the seed.

