Ficus glomerata


Ficus glomerata


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Ficus glomerata


Ficus glomerata is a species of plant from the mulberry family. It grows naturally in China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many other countries of the world.
It reaches up to 30 meters in height
The leaves are helically arranged, with membranous stipules in an oval shape at the base. The leaf blade is elliptical, usually rounded at the base. Light green from below, dark green from above. When young, the leaves are hairy, with age they become bald.
The flowers of the fig tree are small, set on the inner wall. Inflorescences usually grow on short branches from older shoots. Male and female flowers are located in the same figs.
The fruits are called figs, containing numerous nuts in a fleshy shell. Ripe figs are orange-red, grow in pairs on peduncles up to 1 cm long.

