Fagus sylvatica


Fagus sylvatica


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Fagus sylvatica


Fagus sylvatica is a species of tree belonging to the beech family. It comes from Central and Western Europe.

It reaches up to 30-40 meters in height.

The fruit is a so-called beech – a woody capsule. After ripening, it opens with 4 flaps, releasing one or two triangular brownish nuts.

Leaves alternate, ovate or elliptical, entire or wavy-toothed. Dark green, shiny on top, light and matte on the bottom. In autumn, they take on rusty colors.

Male flowers gathered in bunches hanging on long rachis. They consist of 10-15 stamens and a short red-brown perianth in the shape of a tube. Female flowers gathered in pairs, surrounded by a four-lobed cover, which becomes woody as it matures, creating a so-called cup.


10g, 100g