Cytisus scoparius


Cytisus scoparius


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Cytisus scoparius


Cytisus scoparius is a shrub native to southern and central Europe. It grows to a height of 1-2 meters.

The plant has medicinal properties! It reduces sensitivity and nerve conduction in the heart muscle, it is also used for chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Large, papilionaceous, golden-yellow flowers, very numerous, it begins to bloom at the turn of May and June, the plant is melliferous!

Fruits are pods, initially green, later brownish-black, silky hairy up to 5 cm long, ripen in autumn.

Small, green, trifoliate, obovate leaves, hairy on the lower side.

Cytisus scoparius has no special soil requirements. It prefers sunny, sheltered locations. Completely frost-resistant.

